WP 1
Dr. Laura Piscicelli – Utrecht University
How we scale up: Analysing systemic barriers and enablers for the implementation of circular interventions in hospitals
- To analyse the problem (i.e. use of medical consumables in the Clinical Living Labs) and possible solutions (i.e. circular interventions).
- To analyse and evaluate the systemic structures, processes and policies that hamper or support the development, implementation and diffusion of circular interventions (e.g. the introduction of circular medical consumables, changes in practices) in the Clinical Living Labs.
- WP1 aims to deliver an evidence-based roadmap for the successful implementation and upscaling of circular interventions in hospitals. As a direct result of the research conducted in this WP we will provide recommendations for changes in hospital practices and national healthcare policies that will help upscale the use of circular interventions in hospitals and, ultimately, support the transformation of the Dutch healthcare value chain from a linear to a circular one.
WP 2
Dr. Wei-Shan Chen – Wageningen University & Research
What we trade off: Decision support framework for prioritising interventions
To establish a novel design toolbox which embeds all crucial interventions and barriers to deliver a successful transition towards a circular hospital.
To advise on how a transition towards circular hospitals could and should take place over time in a sustainable and feasible manner.
While the first objective will enable hospitals to decide on the best mix of interventions towards becoming circular, the second objective refers to when each of these interventions can best be executed.
WP 3
Dr. Bas van Vliet – Wageningen University & Research
How We Act: Analysis on the hospital culture and practices of care professionals, on sustainable employee behaviour.
To acquire knowledge on:
- The existing procedures and protocols for material handling in hospitals.
- Existing routinised working practices of care professionals in IC Units and Operating Theatres.
- Drivers for sustainable staff behaviour at levels of management, purchasing, physicians and nurses.
- Conditions for the successful adoption of behavioural intervention strategies.
WP 4
Prof. Dr. Erik van Raaij – Erasmus University Rotterdam-RSM/ESHPM
How we buy: Partnering with the supply chain to co-create circular interventions
- To identify the key purchase categories with highest potential impact based on economic and environmental performance metrics.
- To identify, design and evaluate viable business models for supply chain partners to enable circularity in the hospital value chain.
- To identify, design and evaluate purchasing and supply management (PSM) strategies for hospitals that provide optimal incentives for suppliers and supply partners to develop and provide circular interventions.
Alternative business models and alternative PSM strategies need to be developed with incentives for all partners in the value chain to develop, deliver and use circular interventions. 50, 51 Suppliers, purchasers and internal users need to be aligned around interventions with optimal trade-offs concerning product effectiveness, environmental impact, cost, safety and ease-of-use.
WP 5
Prof. Dr. Jan Carel Diehl – TU Delft
What we create: Co-creation with stakeholders in Living Labs in Medical Centers
- To establish two Living Labs: One in EMC and one in UMCU, each existing of a Co-Creation Living Lab in combination with three Clinical Living Labs.
- To identify at least twelve environmental hotspots within the Clinical Living Labs which can be used as an intervention case to demonstrate opportunities for circular interventions for medical consumables.
- To co-analyse the twelve cases and co-create circular interventions to enable circularity in the hospital itself and in the value chain.
- To co-validate the developed circular interventions in both the Clinical Living Labs and with value chain stakeholders like industry and waste processors.
- To construct a circular design approach (design standards and tools) for driving circularity in manufacturing, use in hospitals and end of life management of medical consumables.
WP 6
Dr. Ellen Bakker – Centre of Expertise Innovations in Care, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
How we engage and disseminate: Dissemination of results and engagement in best practices with a larger audience.
- Dissemination of evidence-based knowledge and best practices with a larger audience on national and international level.
- Engagement of the healthcare sector and medical consumable companies in circular hospitals.
- Education of students and future nurses and physicians
WP 7
Dr. Nicole Hunfeld – Erasmus MC
How we manage: project management
To ensure effective overall project management.